Christian Dream Interpretation - Dream Bible

Bible dream interpretation a to z

Dreams Interpretation / July 23, 2017

The letter Z in a dream represents total balance of negativity or not liking to think anything negative. A negative situation is either completely over or your beliefs about what constitutes negativity has completely changed.

The symbolism is based on the shape of the letter being two parallel lines that appear to flattening a right leaning line. The right leaning line reflects negative choices or a negative direction.

The letter Z being the 26th letter of the alphabet supports this symbolism because 26 in numerology represents conflict (2) with negativity (6). What this means is that you are so positive that you can't stand to think about anything negative.


To dream about a zebra represents feelings about a person or situation being misleadingly passive or cooperative. Thinking something is a great idea until you get to know it personally. A loss of trust or compliance felt from someone towards you once you get too serious about something with them. The realization that someone you know is hopelessly self-involved after first believing that they shared your ideas. It may also reflect feelings that someone is beautiful and then realizing they are less intelligent or mature than you first thought.

Negatively, a zebra may reflect a person in your life that keeps giving you false ideas about what they are willing to do with you or for you. Someone interesting or "perfect for the part" with potential to fill a role that totally embarrasses you with opposite thinking. Embarrassment or feeling let down that someone will never do the one thing you would like them to. Dashed high expectations.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing a zebra. In waking life she had just had a big argument with her boyfriend. The zebra reflected her disappointment with her boyfriend not doing something she got her hopes set on him doing.


To dream of zen represents peace or harmony in your life achieved by not caring. Letting go of worries and seeing positive change. Good things happening when you don't care anymore. You are at peace with yourself.


To dream of Zeus represents you or someone else that notices themselves being the strongest of the most powerful people. A leader of leaders, a controller of controllers, or someone who can easily embarrass people with elite power. Total control over your life or never answering to people who expect it from others all the time.


To see zig-zags in a dream represents erratic behavior. Instability moving forward. It may also reflect a lot of difficulties, setbacks, or arguments as you proceed in a situation.


To dream of a zigzag pattern represents insecurity or instability. Situations staying volatile or unsure. Repeating up and down scenarios. An inability to keep something perfect. Indecision. Feelings about a situation never being normal or consistent.

Fact: Migraine sufferers often have dreams of zigzag patterns.

Zip Code

To dream of a zip code represents a label or designation you have of a person or situation. Psychological grouping or organization. Something is a part of "all of this" or "all of that." It may also reflect how good or bad something is.

Example: A person once dreamed of getting a job sorting mail by zip code. In real life they were interpreting dreams in their spare time. The sorting of the mail by zip code reflected their attempt to tell each person if their dream was positive or negative.


To dream of a zipper represents something about yourself or your life that can be accessed at anytime. A choice, option, or resource that you can choose to use whenever you want.

Zipping up may reflect something about yourself that you are choosing to close off or discontinue. Unzipping reflects something about yourself that you embracing or choosing to use. You may "opening up."

Zippo Lighter

*Please See Lighter


*Please See Pimples


To see the zodiac in your dream represents your conscious awareness of how you connect to the universe or the world around you. How you fit in it all. Alternatively, the zodiac may appear in a dream to reflect the passage of time. Individual signs may represent coming events during those periods.


To dream of a zombie represented automatic or blind thinking. A sign that you are too concerned with what other people think or that you are not thinking for yourself. It may also reflect jealousy of not pleasing others. Desperately following others or trying to impress others. It may also reflect feelings about people who don't think for themselves.

Zombies in dreams are a sign that you are not thinking independently or objectively. It also suggests that you are giving up your ability to make independent choices because a person or situation has you in a "trance." Someone or something else is influencing your decision making. A zombie is a common symbol for someone experiencing strong peer pressure.

Example situations that may conjure up a zombie dream may be sexual attraction that drives you to do things for someone because you want them to like you or taking unusual measure to impress someone whose opinion you really care about.

Negatively, dreaming about zombies may reflect powerful feelings of jealousy that you are experiencing from other people that are desperate to pull you down. Blind unthinking jealousy. A fear of someone else's need to be socially acceptable or fit in interfering with your happiness. Alternatively, zombies may reflect your feelings about people who are jealous of something you have or will stop at nothing to get access to something good you have.

To dream of running away from zombies represents your wish to avoid a person or situation that you feel is jealous of what you have. Avoiding an annoying follower. You may fear losing what you have to someone else's jealousy. You may also fear losing something special because someone jealous is desperate to pull you down with them.

To dream of your mother being infected by zombies may represent your feelings that bad luck or coincidences are always leading you to jealousy of others or fearing what other people think. Feeling unable to escape peer pressure situations.

To dream of killing or defeating zombies may reflect waking life situations where you are confronting mindless or automatic thinking. Overcoming or confronting peer pressure. Confronting people you think are jealous of you in an unthinking or ignorant manner.

Alternatively, dreaming of a zombie may reflect your feelings about people in your life that are mentally ill or empty.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a zombie. In waking life he was very insecure about things he said on an Internet message forum to someone and carefully spent a lot of time deleting those comments fearing embarrassment that they would be read by someone. The zombie reflected his fear of what other people thought that was driving him to avoid any embarrassment at all costs.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of zombies. In waking life she was grounded by parents and felt that they never cared about anything accept never listening to her while making sure she endured her full punishment. The zombies may have reflected her feelings about her parents being blindly motivated to keep her punished.

Example 3: A young girl dreamed of zombies. In waking life she was very insecure about her social skills and talking to people. She tended to go along with the crowd as a way to avoid having to reveal her weak social skills.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of a dead zombie being kept alive. In waking life her she was trying to keep a long-term relationship alive even though she felt it was dead. The dead zombie she was trying to keep alive may have reflected her tendency to do whatever her boyfriend told her because she was too attracted to him.
