Dream interpretation rotten teeth
Dream meanings of rotten teeth
The main meanings for dreams about teeth rotting or decaying are:
- A loss in your life
- Dealing with insatisfaction
- Fear of dealing with lingering issues
- A call to deal with unfinished business
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Rotten teeth as representation of loss
Seeing rotten teeth is a sign of a loss in your life. The dream could point to a symbolic loss, such as during a period of change, or a real loss of something that you used to rely on or was important to you.
The rotten teeth in your dream may also represent something in your life that is slowly going away or changing. Teeth could symbolize health, physical appearance, but also your strength, sense of power.
Become your own dream interpreter
Dream interpretation does not require you to be a clairvoyant or psychic, nor a seasoned psychologist.
Unlike the predictions astrologers give in horoscopes or clairvoyants may offer in psychic readings, dream interpretation relies on your active participation. When you interpret your dreams, you become your own dream expert. Who else than you could better understand the dream meanings hidden in the recesses of your psyche and the messages of your unconscious?
To interpret dreams, you need to engage not only your intellect, but also your imagination and intuition. This dream dictionary is only a guide to get you started. Both sides of your brain are involved as the analytical left hemisphere and the holistic right hemisphere are solicited to reveal the true meaning of your dreams.
A dream featuring rotten or rotting teeth could also be a warning about something that is not unfolding to your advantage in your life.
Check to see if a situation, something that somebody said, or a behavior you may have are undermining you in ways that feel like demeaning, humiliating.
Rotten teeth in dreams as representation of lingering issues
Dreaming of rotten indicate that something has been bothering you lately that has been ignored because it was too difficult, painful or disgusting to look at.
Rotten teeth in dreams can been interpreted as symbols of what has been rejected out of your consciousness, but still has a strong influence on how you feel.
Positive dream interpretation of rotten teeth
A dream about rotten or decaying teeth is an invitation to resolve unfinished business. Listen to the message communicated through your dream to take care of a situation or emotions you have ignored before they poison your life or decay into something even more unpleasant.
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Note about dream interpretation
This site provides information and techniques, so you can become your own dream interpretation expert. Psychics and fortune tellers can tell you that they do readings and predict your future; astrologers look into your astrological chart to predict your horoscope; but to interpret what your dreams really mean, you ultimately need to become your own dream interpreter.
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