dream interpretation two snakes
Key Interpretation Tip #2
It’s important to recall the presence of the snake as it was in the dream, so you can get information about qualities that could remind you of a situation, a person or your emotional state in your waking life. This will get you started in finding out what the snake in your dream symbolizes because this reptile is most likely an transposed image or symbol of something that’s actually happening or preoccupying you while you’re awake.
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Dream Work Basics
The following dream work basics provide instructions that can be applied to any dreams, but are particularly useful to interpret dreams about snakes. A series of questions specifically tailored to analyze snake dreams will help you interpret this symbol and define its meaning in your own terms.
When a snake dream comes, you’re receiving a message that probably leaves a strong impression. Whether you are being bitten by a snake or see snakes everywhere in your house, it’s time to pay attention to the message your dream is giving you in the form of images and symbols.
Here are a three simple steps to keep in mind to start your dream interpretation:
- Record your dream.
- Look at dream meanings in dream dictionary.
- Personalize the interpretation of your snake dream.
Record your dream
Whether you are dreaming about a snake or any other symbol, it’s useful to record your dream before you start interpreting it. Write it down or record it on a voice recorder. Take notes about what you dreamt about as soon as possible, preferably just as you wake up to minimize the loss of content as the memory of the dream quickly fades away.
Look at dream meanings in dream dictionary
To get started with your dream interpretation, look at possible explanation for the symbols in the snake dream meanings section or your favorite dream dictionary. This ambivalent dream symbol is often hard to interpret, so take a look at all the possible meanings to gain different perspectives.
Personalize the interpretation of your snake dream
Go further by connecting the dream interpretation with your waking life. To finish interpreting your dream, you need to create your own meaning for the symbols and images, especially if you are dreaming of this wild reptile. To further analyze what your dream means, ask yourself the questions given in the snake dream interpretation guide below.
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Specific Dream Interpretation Questions
Snakes or serpents are rich dream symbols with a plethora of meanings that vary depending on what’s happening in your life, your feelings, cultural background and much more. In addition to the main dream meanings you can find in a dream dictionary associated with this reptile, you can figure out what your snake dream means by personalizing your dream interpretation.
Discover how to figure out and interpret the meaning that best suits you. The following questions guide you in interpreting the images and symbols associated with snakes and broaden your understanding of the hidden message in your dream.
- What do you know about snakes in general?
- What is the snake like in your dream?
- What role does the snake play in your dream?
- How do you feel about the snake you dreamt about?
- What symbolic meanings associated with snakes grab your attention?
Question #1: What do you know about snakes in general?
An accurate dream analysis will emphasize generic associations you make with snakes or serpents and connect them with elements in your waking life. Look at the general characteristics of the snake as an animal and see how they relate to your dream and your life right now. For example, a common interpretation is based on the fact that snakes shed their skin when they grow. This characteristic is associated with transformation, leaving the old behind, change taking place in your life.
Questions to further interpret your dream: What do you know about snakes? How do you feel about them? How do the traits you attribute to snakes relate to your personality or a situation in your life? Are you undergoing a radical transformation in one area of your life? What is changing?
Question #2: What is the snake like in your dream?
Whenever you want to figure out the meaning of a snake dream, try to connect with the animal that showed up in your dream. Invoke the snake’s characteristics, what it looked like, how it behaved, if it had a specific intention, etc. Look at the qualities of the snake in your dream and if they correspond to qualities you may have or aspects of situation or people in your life. The hypothesis behind this interpretation technique is that the snake represents a part of you or experience you’re having in your everyday living.
Questions to further interpret your dream: What does the snake look like? How does it behave? How does it move?
Question #3: What role does the snake play in your dream?
A common interpretation for the presence of a snake in your dream it that this reptile represents something or someone who has a strong influence in your life, whether it’s someone you know, a belief system, or a situation. You can also interpret the snake in your dream has a potential warning about an adversarial person or situation in your life.
Question #4: How do you feel about the snake you dreamed about?
A useful dream interpretation tip that is applicable to any types of dreams is to pay attention to the general feeling or atmosphere in the dream.
Consider also the feelings you have about the snake you just dreamed about once you wake up. If negative, you can interpret your dream as a call to look at how you may be deceiving yourself or others in your waking life. If positive, look at positive transformations in your life, changes that are coming you way with opportunity to grow, expand.
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