Dreams Interpretation


cheating dreams interpretation
July 20, 2017

cheating dreams interpretation

My Boyfriend Cheated On Me! Being cheated on in a dream can often feel so real that you actually go and accuse your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other of it. Such dreams are unsettling and disturbing. It often leaves you questioning your relationship. Often dreams about infidelity are rarely about cheating, but rather more about your own feelings…

Dream interpretation Apocalypse
June 23, 2017

Dream interpretation Apocalypse

Last night the world came to an end. At least the world as I know it in Los Angeles. From my vantage point fairly high up in the eastern hills of the LA basin, I could see the mushroom cloud erupt into destruction, off in the distance. My first thought was that I was far away enough so that at least I wouldn’t be killed by the blast itself. As I began to wonder…

Carl Jung interpretation of dreams
July 17, 2017

Carl Jung interpretation of dreams

Like his mentor Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1960) also believes in the existence of the unconscious. However, he does not see the unconscious as animalistic, instinctual, or sexual; he sees it as more spiritual. Eventually, Jung split with Freud due to their differing views on dreams. According to Jung, dreams are a way of communicating and acquainting…

Ancient dream interpretation
June 14, 2017

Ancient dream interpretation

For four years, C. G. Jung gave a four-part seminar series in Zurich on children’s dreams and the historical literature on dream interpretation. This book, a companion volume to CHILDREN’S DREAMS: NOTES FROM THE SEMINAR GIVEN IN 1936-1940, completes the two-volume publication of this landmark seminar, presenting the sessions devoted specifically to dream interpretation…

dogs in dreams interpretation
August 1, 2017

dogs in dreams interpretation

Black Dog To see a black colored dog in your dream symbolizes the shadow aspect of a friend. The dark side of someone close to you is being revealed and you are able to see through to their true intentions. Bulldog To see a bulldog in your dream signifies that some protective force is helping you move forward in life. Dog House To see a dog house in your dream…

dream analysis interpretation
July 14, 2017

dream analysis interpretation

Dream analysis is a therapeutic technique best known for its use in psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud viewed dreams as “the royal road” to the unconscious and developed dream analysis, or dream interpretation, as a way of tapping into this unconscious material. Mental health professionals may also utilize dream analysis as part of therapeutic frameworks such as Jungian…

Bible dream interpretation a to z
July 23, 2017

Bible dream interpretation a to z

The letter Z in a dream represents total balance of negativity or not liking to think anything negative. A negative situation is either completely over or your beliefs about what constitutes negativity has completely changed. The symbolism is based on the shape of the letter being two parallel lines that appear to flattening a right leaning line. The right leaning…

bible dream interpretation symbols
June 29, 2017

bible dream interpretation symbols

Christian Dream Symbols. More than 1600 dreams and thier Biblical interpretation The symbols in the Bible and the examples of dreams will help us interpret our dreams. Sometimes Christian Dream Interpretation is as simple as replacing a biblical symbol with the symbol in our own dreams. A good dream symbol dictionary will certainly help you in interpreting your…

Cockroach dreams interpret
July 8, 2017

Cockroach dreams interpret

Cockroach dreams may have one or several of the following 3 Common Symbolic Meanings of Cockroach Dreams (from most to least common). 1. Uncleanness . Many (most) of us view cockroaches as dirty creatures. Moreover, it is not only themselves who are considered unclean, but the whole place where they live. Our feelings to these crawlers might even be . That s…